15 research outputs found

    MOVES Degree Update: Curriculum Revision Proposal

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    MOVES Research & Education Systems Seminar: Presentation; Session 1: Educational Initiatives and Status, Moderator: Chris Darken; MOVES Degree Update, Speaker Chris DarkenOutline: Brief intro to MOVES Masters degree, Pressures driving the proposed curriculum revision, Salient features of the proposa

    New Generation of Instrumented Ranges: Enabling Automated Performance Analysis

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    Military training conducted on physical ranges that match a unit’s future operational environment provides an invaluable experience. Today, to conduct a training exercise while ensuring a unit’s performance is closely observed, evaluated, and reported on in an After Action Review, the unit requires a number of instructors to accompany the different elements. Training organized on ranges for urban warfighting brings an additional level of complexity—the high level of occlusion typical for these environments multiplies the number of evaluators needed. While the units have great need for such training opportunities, they may not have the necessary human resources to conduct them successfully. In this paper we report on our US Navy/ONR-sponsored project aimed at a new generation of instrumented ranges, and the early results we have achieved. We suggest a radically different concept: instead of recording multiple video streams that need to be reviewed and evaluated by a number of instructors, our system will focus on capturing dynamic individual warfighter pose data and performing automated performance evaluation. We will use an in situ network of automatically-controlled pan-tilt-zoom video cameras and personal position and orientation sensing devices. Our system will record video, reconstruct dynamic 3D individual poses, analyze, recognize events, evaluate performances, generate reports, provide real-time free exploration of recorded data, and even allow the user to generate ‘what-if’ scenarios that were never recorded. The most direct benefit for an individual unit will be the ability to conduct training with fewer human resources, while having a more quantitative account of their performance (dispersion across the terrain, ‘weapon flagging’ incidents, number of patrols conducted). The instructors will have immediate feedback on some elements of the unit’s performance. Having data sets for multiple units will enable historical trend analysis, thus providing new insights and benefits for the entire service.Office of Naval Researc

    Raising Agents

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    Harnessing Artificial Intelligence - Unsupervised Learning AI (Lecture #6) [video]

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    Harnessing Artificial Intelligence - Unsupervised Learning AI (Lecture #6), Oct. 16. 2019); By Dr. Chris Darken, Assistant Professor, NPS Department of Computer Scienc

    The Web Browser as a Simulation Platform

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    MOVES Research & Education Systems Seminar: Presentation; Session 7: Computer Gaming and Web-Delivered Simulation; Moderator: Perry McDowell; The Web Browser as a Simulation Platform; speaker: Chris DarkenWebGL and HTML5 combine to make web browsers capable simulation platforms. Building simulations to run in browsers require skills that are relatively common and easy to obtain. The resulting simulations are easy to share with students, research collaborators and customers. We will discuss how we use this infrastructure to teach the latest generation of our graphical simulation course, and how it could be applied to other educational and research projects

    Threat Model for Environmental Sensing and Terrain Reasoning

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    MOVES Research & Education Systems Seminar: Presentation; Session 10: Human Behavior Simulation; Moderator: Steve Hall; Threat Model for Environmental Sensing and Terrain Reasoning; speakers: Francisco Baez, US Army, MOVES Student and Chris Darken Assoc. Prof., Computer Scienc

    Automation of P-3 Behaviors to Improve Operator Workload

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    MOVES Research & Education Systems Seminar: Presentation; Session 4: Collaborative NWDC/NPS M&S Research; Moderator: Curtis Blais; P3 Puckster Partial Automation; speaker: Dr. Chris Darken & LT Justin Ros